Self Study Carrels & Special Needs User Room

Psychology Laboratory
Creative Science Laboratory
(moving image laboratory)
Comm:aLive Studio
Multi-Media Laboratory
Set up with all Apple Desktop Computers and installed special software such as Adobe CC, Final Cut Pro, Motion, Python
Shek Mun Campus Library
5 zones are identified

Offers a total of 1,300,000 nos. of e-books together with the HKBU Main Library
Collaborative Learning Zone
Equipped with modern design furniture & Interactive TV to faciliate group discussion
Self Study Carrels
Lobby area is a multi-purpose area ready for book display, exhibitions and special events
Collaborative Learning Zone
Equipped with modern design furniture & Interactive TV to faciliate group discussion
Group Discussion Rooms

Equipped with interactive TV and AV apparatuses, these rooms are tailor-made for student reservation (via the online booking system) for group discussion and collaborative learning
Self Study Carrels
Special Needs User Room
Equipped with screening Reading Software, i.e. NVDA (Non-visual Desktop Access) and JAWS (Job Access with Speech); Braille Translation Software (i.e. Brite)
Learning Commons
Equipped with:

Major softwares installed at the computers: MS Office, Autodesk 3Ds Max, Autodesk Maya, SPSS, Adobe CC, Nvivo, ArcGIS
iMac Circle
4 nos. i-Mac computers
Fitness Room
Equipped with more than 30 sets of fitness equipment, such as: free weight, cardio and stretching equipment (i.e. treadmill, bike, sit-up bench, smith press, etc.)
Indoor Heated Swimming Pool
Lecture Theatre
A mini theatre set up to cater for the needs of mass lectures, guest talks and seminars that require a mid-sized venue
Interactive Commons
A common space for students' exchange of ideas, collaboration, leisure and conduction of activities

A common space for students conducting different kinds of activities such as group sharing, collaborative projects, or simply enjoying their leisure time

Equipped with some benches in modern design, some discussion tables & chairs, built-in projector, screen and IT/AV equipment, vending machines, microwave ovens and water dispensers
Podium Activities Room
A cozy space in industrial style design for conducting classes, workshops and lunch meetings

Equipped with some tables & chairs in stylish design, built-in large TV Display and IT/AV equipment
For conducting of new student orientation activities, seminars, singing contests and ceremonies during different periods of the academic year
   Music: Motivated - AShamaluevMusic.